Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hearings galore about student lending.

We find it funny (not funny in the "ha-ha" sense) that for years the legislators ignored the damage that the "Single Holder Rule" imposed on student borrowers, yet the poor judgement of a handful of financial aid staffers and student lenders causes a firestorm of attention by the legislators. Of course our elected delagates have to respond to Andrew Cuomo's investigations and they have to respond with a purpose, because, well, they won't be re-elected.

But Inside Higher Ed details yesterday's hearings. Nothing earth shattering. But at least the House Committee is listening members of the financial aid community. Dallas Martin, who heads up NASFAA, has been a defender of the industry, got to say a piece. He's been one of the few individuals not cowering admist all the criticsm.

Hopefully, the Committee and our delagates will focus on the policy of student lending and refrain from engaging in the politics of student lending.

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