Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Senator Clinton Complains about high cost of student loans; Proposes elimination of FFELP

It makes perfect sense if you think about it. Senator Clinton was complaing about student loans at Penn State today. Clearly, it's the involvement of private lenders that drives up the cost of student loans. Clearly, the free-market enterprise system is incapable of providing a reasonable priced and reasonable service to the marketplace. Competition is baaaaaad. Government is gooooood.

Ummm....not buying it! Nope. We just can't get our arms around the logic that Clinton is dishing out here. Perhaps she got a little shell-shocked when she was last in Bosnia....after all, Clinton claims she was in the shit.. An errant mortar could have gone off nearby causing her loss of common sense.

How in Gods Green Earth can Senator Clinton maintain that the Government of the United States of America will deliver a financial intermediated product to the public cheaper, better, or faster than a competitive, for-profit environment? Jeez. If there's one thing money can do better than the government: find the highest and best use. Money doesn't discriminate. People who discriminate with money, tend to loose it all. You invest it where it makes you more. It's that simple. The government on the other hand, you create bureaucracy, inefficiency, sloth, and angry constituents with government investment. Government just wasn't built to compete with the free-market.

We'd feel more compfortable is Sen. Clinton would stick to addressing her "mischaracterizations" of trips to hostile, war zones.

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